The Aesthetic of Lighting Design at the Paris 2024 Olympics

The Aesthetic of Lighting Design at the Paris 2024 Olympics

For the first time, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics will be held outdoors. The sports teams will parade through the heart of Paris, showcasing the romantic charm of this “City of Light.” The Seine riverbanks will feature a spectacular light show!

**Opening Ceremony Schedule:**

Paris Time: July 26, 2024, 19:30

Beijing Time: July 27, 2024, 01:30

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As night falls, the dazzling lights of Paris will become the grand backdrop for the opening ceremony.

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A meticulously arranged lighting system along the Seine will feature nearly 80 giant LED screens, enveloping Paris in a magical opening ceremony atmosphere.

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As athletes pass by, the Eiffel Tower will light up. The limited edition Olympic rings, suspended and glowing, will become a symbol of Paris in everyone’s hearts.

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The venues for the Paris Olympics are ready to shine. Let’s follow the lights and feel the vibrant spirit of sports.

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The 2024 Paris Olympics are about to begin. This summer, let’s journey together with the Olympics! It is reported that 28 athletes from Sichuan have set off for the Paris Olympics. Let’s cheer for Team China and applaud every striving figure!

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